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Our Approach


You have “angry hands.” They’re itchy, red, and burning. You’ve tried a bunch of different lotions and none of them are helping—they just seem to be getting worse! What can you do to make your hands happy again?


You trip over your kid’s hockey equipment in your hallway (thanks, buddy!). You think you may have sprained your ankle. Should you call the doctor? Put it on ice and stay home? Or go straight to emergency?

When you’re not a certified medical expert, knowing what’s best for your health can be really overwhelming!


But it doesn’t have to be, because you have the BoulianneMED team on your side.

We help patients make informed decisions

We want our patients to feel at ease when it comes to their health. Looking things up on the internet can be confusing and scary. We want to provide you with sound information and resources, so you can make decisions about your health.


At BoulianneMED, we’re dedicated to empowering patients to make informed decisions about their own medical care. That’s where our easy-to-understand, physician-approved Health 101 patient resource comes in.


Health 101 is a FREE online library loaded with valuable information to help patients take better charge of their own health.


Struggling with a common medical ailment like cold or flu, allergies, or diarrhea? Health 101 is available to educate and guide your next steps toward wellness.

Simple to understand + accessible to all

You shouldn’t need a medical degree to learn about your health. Health 101 isn’t your typical jargon-heavy resource. We like to share information in everyday, non-doctor, “real-people” terms.


Knowledge is power, and power leads to peace-of-mind. By offering Health 101 combined with our medical services, BoulianneMED aims to improve your journey towards wellbeing.

The Health 101 library can be found in the top menu by placing your cursor on "Health 101" then selecting the condition.

Visit our Health 101 library today.

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